Wednesday, October 27, 2010

A dose of Chanakyaniti

The other evening a friend of mine and I, dont know how, got into a conversation on Chanakya. Believe me we are not so boring people nor were we out of topics of discussion but yes we ended up Discussing Chanakya.Btw an fyi here, those who dont know Chanakya was an advisor to the first Maurya Emperor Chandragupta.

So my friend here was going on and on about how he implemented all his policies brought about economic reforms...bla bla bla...He was from Takshashila university btw...planning to make on blog on that as well :).
So what captured my attention during our discussion and which eventually lead to the creation of this blog was the following line from my friend:

all he said was "dude, you know every day Chanakya added a drop of poision in Chadragupta Maurya's food"

And after listening to it i was like Chanakya being so intelligent and a good fellow how could he resort to such a treachary.

Thereby seeing the confused look on my face my friend continued with a smile saying that it was with good intention.

He Said " He added small amounts of poison in Chandragupta's food so that he would get used to it and his aim was to prevent the Emperor from being poisoned by enemies."

And I was like wow..and i decided to write about this in my blog.

I googled it further just to find out that these action of Chanakya eventually lead further later to his own demise which happened by series of interelated events.

I will cover in detail more about it and keep the blog updated. Meanwhile i am thinking about a suitable title to this post. Thanks for Reading...Stay in Touch.